Millennial Seduction: A Skeptic Confronts Apocalyptic Culture
Millennial Seduction: A Skeptic Confronts Apocalyptic Culture by Lee Quinby | 1999
Lee Quinby investigates how anxiety about the arrival of the new century casts everything from El Niño to sheep cloning in apocalyptic terms, simultaneously fueling panic and fostering unfounded hope for a perfect world.
Anti-Apocalypse: Exercises in Genealogical Criticism
Anti-Apocalypse: Exercises in Genealogical Criticism by Lee Quinby | Apr 1, 1994
Quinby offers a powerful critique of the millenarian rhetoric that pervades American culture. In doing so, she develops strategies for resisting its tyrannies.
Freedom, Foucault, and the Subject of America
Freedom, Foucault, and the Subject of America by Lee Quinby | Jan 1, 1991
An examination of issues of American individuality, ethics, and freedom through Michel Foucault's theory of power.
Reel Revelations: Apocalypse and Film
Reel Revelations: Apocalypse and Film (Apocalypse and Popular Culture) Co-edited by John Walliss and Lee Quinby | Oct 3, 2010
In the last decades, writers and directors have increasingly found the Book of Revelation a fitting cinematic muse for an age beset by possibilities of world destruction.
Gender and Apocalyptic Desire (Millennialism and Society)
Gender and Apocalyptic Desire (Millennialism and Society) Co-edited by Brenda E. Brasher and Lee Quinby | Aug 10, 2014
The female body has been an object of oppression and control throughout history. 'Gender and Apocalyptic Desire' exposes the often-hidden links between the struggles of women and the conflict of good versus evil.
Genealogy and Literature
Genealogy And Literature | Lee Quinby, Editor | Sep 19, 1995
Genealogy and Literature reveals the importance of literature for understanding dominant and often violent power/knowledge relations within a given society.
Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance
Feminism & Foucalt co-edited by Irene Diamond and Lee Quinby (Northeastern University Press, 1988)
An examination of issues of American individuality, ethics, and freedom through Michel Foucault's theory of power...critical readings of a wide range of American texts
Women’s Studies Quarterly (Fall/Winter 2001)
Women’s Studies Quarterly (Fall/Winter 2001) edited by Lee Quinby
Essays on the theme: Women Confronting the New Technologies